Authenticated Indigenous company located in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, on unceded Algonquin Territory. Pickups are by Appointment only. Please call before coming 613-256-9229.

Reishi Mushroom

SKU: REI00020

All of our herbs come from certified organic sources or trusted wildcrafters.


ALSO KNOWN AS: Lingzhi, Basidiomycetes Mushroom, Red Reishi

PLANT FAMILY: Ganodermataceae


OVERVIEW: Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as Lingzhi or “mushroom of immortality”, has been revered for over 2000 years for its versatility, used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments from the common cold to fatigue and insomnia. In Chinese art, Reishi is used as a symbol of health and longevity. and as a talisman of luck,

TRADITIONAL USE: In traditional herbal medicine, Reishi has been used to support the immune system, to increase energy and resistance to stress, and as a liver tonic. It is also known to be rich in antioxidants. Many believe that Reishi may be effective for cancer treatment, but not enough research has been done to prove its effectiveness, so it is best to use in tandem with other prescribed treatments. 

PRECAUTIONS & CONTRAINDICATIONS: Consult a healthcare practitioner before use, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a bleeding disorder or low blood pressure, are on any medications (especially blood thinners and medications for blood pressure), or have any allergies, especially to plants in the Ganodermataceae family or other mushrooms/fungi. Discontinue use two weeks prior to any surgery. 

 This information is for educational purposes only, has not been evaluated by Health Canada, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Reference Health Canada: