Eucalyptus Leaves (eucalyptus globulus)
All of our herbs come from certified organic sources or trusted wildcrafters.
ALSO KNOWN AS: ribbon gum, shining gum
PLANT FAMILY: Murtle, Myrtaceae
PART(S) USED: The leaves, and the oils extracted from steaming the leaves
OVERVIEW: Eucalyptus leaves are sourced from an evergreen tree native to Australia but naturalized to California and Mediterranean countries. Its leathery blue-green leaves are studded with glands containing a fragrant, volatile oil.
There are many species of eucalyptus trees, but the most pleasant-smelling oil is produced by Eucalyptus globulus.
TRADITIONAL USES: Eucalyptus is said to be used for many conditions including asthma, bronchitis, plaque and gingivitis, head lice, toenail fungus, and more.
NOTE: Currently, there is no scientific evidence to support the uses described above.
STORAGE: Keep dry. Store in an airtight container in a dry cupboard away from light.
- Use at your own risk.
- Health Canada cautions that Eucalyptus should not be taken by mouth.
- Eucalyptus is not safe for children. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Signs of eucalyptus poisoning might include stomach pain and burning, dizziness, muscle weakness, small eye pupils, and feelings of suffocation.
- Do not apply to broken or abraded skin
- Always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have an existing medical condition, have allergies, or are on any medications.
WARNING: This information is for educational purposes only, has not been evaluated by Health Canada, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.