Authenticated Indigenous company located in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, on unceded Algonquin Territory. Pickups are by Appointment only. Please call before coming 613-256-9229.

Liquid Smudge - White Cedar 100% Pure Steam Distilled Hydrosol (2 oz)


PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM HAS THE POTENTIAL TO FREEZE AND BREAK IN TEMPERATURES BELOW ZERO. From November-March (when temperatures are typically below 0° C), this product is more prone to breakage in transit due to the liquid expanding when frozen and being within a glass (fragile) bottle. Both Canada Post & Canpar do not claim any liability for breakage due to fragility or for temperature-sensitive items, and therefore TLTP can not reimburse or replace any damaged bottles of this product due to freezing weather or fragility. If you still plan to order this product during these months, please be aware that this is a possibility. 

ALTERNATIVELY: For safe keeping, you have the option of placing your order now and request delivery as soon as the weather is better (Typically by early April).


Liquid smudges are a smokeless alternative to burning medicines when you are in situations, such as an office building where lighting a match or having smoke in the air is not permissible or otherwise desirable.

Our White Cedar Hydrosol is made specifically for TLTP using our very own ethically harvested White Cedar. It is very high quality, has all the same properties of, and is literally as close as you can get to pure White Cedar in liquid form. 

Herbal steam distillation is the process by which the medicinal qualities and healing energetics of herbs are extracted by forcing steam through a mass of plant material. The steam carries away chemical compounds present naturally in the plant, condenses and is collected in a separator, and in the resulting solution there are produced both a concentrated oil based extract of the plant (known as essential oil) and a water based part (known as hydrosol or hydrolate). The oil and water separate naturally during distillation and both contain aromatic chemical constituents of the plant distilled in concentrated and unique forms.

Smudging with traditional medicines contributes to one's mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being, removes negative energy, creates room for a positive shift, rebalances and empowers us.

To use this product, spray the mist in the air and walk through it, or spray the space or object, or pour a little in an essential oil diffuser.

CAUTION: do not directly inhale this product.

STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Please note that this product contains no preservatives. We recommend that you keep it refrigerated to maintain peak quality. If kept refrigerated, these White Cedar Hydrosols will keep for approximately 2 years from the date of bottling (each bottle is marked with a "Best Before" date on its label).