NOTICE: TLTP will be closed from Dec 24th - Dec 30th for the holidays. Normal operations will resume when we are back from the break. Happy Holidays from the TLTP Staff!



As one of the Four Sacred Medicines, White Sage is commonly used in rituals for purification and cleansing, also referred to as "smudging." This practice has a variety of purposes, such as cleansing negative energy from your home, objects, or yourself and others. This Smudge Stick also contains Rosemary, which is another powerful spiritual medicine used in purification & cleansing rituals across many cultures worldwide. 

These White Sage & Rosemary smudge sticks are approximately 8-9" (20-23 cm) in length and 1.5-2" (4-5 cm) thick. 


WARNING: Be careful when smudging, especially indoors. Be sure to have proper ventilation and something nearby to extinguish the embers, such as a shell or jar of sand. Use caution when smudging around pets and young children. When smudging with smudge sticks that include lavender, be sure to make sure no one around you or in the same building as you has an allergy to lavender.